Digitizing for Efficiency in the Transport Sector

Digitizing a Bus Company in Norway
Working as a subcontractor for SAGA in Norway, we’ve undertaken the project of digitizing the paper forms of bus companies. This has led to a substantial increase in efficiency for the bus company and its employees.
Optimizing Workflow through Digitization
Thanks to the digitization of work processes, bus drivers are now able to input and note the status of their buses via mobile apps. These details are instantly available at the central office, enabling efficient resource management. An alert system is also in place, for instance, if a bus is damaged. This enables the repair team to be ready for action as soon as the bus arrives at the depot.
Cost Savings and Efficient Resource Management
Owing to the back-end architecture created by our developers, which includes Graph databases, a Graph QL API, and mobile apps, we are able to support this digital transformation process. Our team has worked on database development, API, and Java development, which has made the entire workflow more efficient and cost-effective.
Unlocking New Possibilities through Digitization
Through the digitization of books, we have been able to make a direct impact on the company’s efficiency and cost structure. The ability to know the bus status in real-time and proactively take measures allows the company to increase customer satisfaction while simultaneously saving costs.